How Real Estate and Tech Work Together
Dror Poleg and I joined Sandra Panera on the Relogix podcast:
Some of the highlights of the show include:
The intersection of real estate and tech
The founding of Real Innovation Academy
Buildings are a standalone business, making it difficult to make big strategic moves
Corporate real estate management is focused on efficiency
Does occupancy as a KPI matter anymore?
Offices matter less than ever, but they also matter more than ever
Real estate as a service
What do employees need to be as effective as possible?
How do I create an office building that has 70%+ occupancy and 70%+ satisfaction?
How to measure workplace productivity
There’s no single answer on the future of real estate
To create a great workplace, you need to consider 6 different industries
The future of work is not obvious
Crypto will impact real estate – but not in the way we think